租车须知 Car Rental Instructions

一、 租车前
1、 认真阅读《租车合同条款》。
2、 认真检查租用车辆的技术状况、外观状态、随车工具和用品,了解车辆使用特点及各种防盗设备的使用方法。

3、 妥善保存租车合同及各种单据。

I. Before car rental 
1, Read  “Car Rental Contract Terms” carefully.
2, Check technical conditions, appearance, tools and supplies of the rented vehicles carefully, and learn the vehicles characteristics and a variety of anti-theft device. 

3, Keep Car Rental Contract and various receipts properly.

二、 租用中
1、 出车前,请您认真检查车辆的机油、汽油、水、制动、喇叭、灯光、轮胎等性能状况,确认制动踏板周边无障碍物、衣帽架上无重物,确保刹车时的有效性。
2、 行车时,请您自觉遵守交通法规,杜绝酒后驾车、闯红灯、超速行驶等违章行为。
3、 请您加注车辆所要求标号的无铅汽油。
4、 当您离开车辆时,请您务必使用防盗设施,并且不要在车内放置任何贵重物品和易燃易爆品,以免造成您的物品或车辆被盗、被损。
5、 为保证您使用的车辆的平顺性和燃油的经济型,请正确使用车辆:油门轻踩、离合慢抬,不要长期装载不需要的重物;不要长期使用过多的电气设备,以减少因发动机负荷过大而使燃油无功损耗。发现车辆有异响、警告灯亮等情况时应及时与我们联系,不劳您亲自动手,我们将及时前去为您排忧解难。
6、 为了您的安全和健康,请经常保持车内外卫生,及时清理烟缸、气体打火机、易拉罐、发胶等受热后易燃易爆品。
7、 当您要驾车离开本市行政区时请提前与我们联系,以便及时为您检查车辆、提供附加购置税证明。
8、 遇有意外、交通事故、车辆被盗或被损坏时,应及时与当地公安部门联系,同时按租赁合同的有关规定,在24小时内与我们联系,以便尽快办理。
9、 请您保管好车钥匙、防盗锁钥匙、行驶证、及随车工具与物品,请勿损坏或丢失。
10、 按时交费并索取发票。

11、 按时到我公司指定地点进行车辆的免费维护保养和年检(保养间隔里程:8000公里),不得超公里行驶。

II. In Rental
1, Before driving, please check the vehicle’s engine oil, gasoline, water, brake, horn, lights, tires and other performance conditions carefully, confirm no obstructions around the brake pedal, no heavy objects on the coat rack, and make sure the brakes effectiveness.
2, While driving, please follow traffic regulations consciously, prevent drunk driving, running red lights, speeding and other illegal behaviors.
3, Please refuel unleaded gasoline according your vehicle required label.
4, When you leave the vehicle, please be sure to use anti-theft device, and do not place any valuables and inflammable and explosive materials in the car, in order to avoid theft to your belongings or damage to the vehicle.
5, In order to ensure the riding comfort and fuel economy of the vehicle you use, please use  the vehicle properly: step on the accelerator lightly, clutch slowly, do not load unnecessary heavy weights long time, do not use electrical equipment excessively long time to reduce reactive power loss caused by large engine fuel load.  When you find any abnormal sounds, warning lights and others with vehicle, please do not hesitate to contact us, and you do not need do anything else, we will go forward and help you out promptly.
6, For your safety and health, please keep the car inside and outside clean, clean ashtray, gas lighters, cans, hair gel and other heat inflammable and explosive materials in time.
7, When you want to drive away from the city district, please contact us in advance so as to check the vehicle, and provide additional proof of purchase tax for you in time
8, In case of accidents, traffic accidents, stolen or the vehicle getting damaged, you should promptly contact local police department, and contact us within 24 hours in accordance with relevant provisions of the car rental contract so as to handle it as soon as possible.
9, Please take good care of car keys, security lock keys, driving license, and vehicle tools and articles, do not make damage or loss.
10, Make payment and request invoices on time.
11, Go to the location designated by our company for making free vehicle maintenance and inspection (maintenance interval mileage: 8000 km) on time, shall not exceed kilometers travel.

三、 还车


III. Return the car
1, When you return the car, please fill the fuel tank of the vehicle and then return to our company. 
2, When you return the car, please clean up your items in the car carefully, do not miss anything.

3, Please count cash carefully, request for invoices and keep them carefully.

四、 租车押金与退还
1, 租车时,刷取客户信用卡预授权作为押金,还车时解除信用卡预授权;
2, 还车时收取2000元违章押金,还车后30日内退回。

IV. Car rental deposit and refund
1. When renting a car, swipe the customer’s credit card pre-authorization as a deposit, and cancel the credit card pre-authorization when returning the car;
2. A deposit of 2000 yuan for violation of regulations will be charged at the time of returning the vehicle, which will be returned within 30 days after returning the vehicle.

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